Shelburne Falls Trolley Museum

Organization/Family Name: _________________________________________

Reservation Date: _______

Arrival Time:_________Departure: _________

Contact Person: ________________________Phone: ______________


Type of Visit: __Tour __School Trip __Birthday Party __Other______

If Children are coming, what is the age range?_______________

If Birthday Party, what is the child's name?____________ Age?: ____

Number of guests expected: _______

Special Interests or Arrangements:_______________________________________________

Fee: Please include complete payment with this form.
Your fee will be refunded if you cancel 48 hours in advance,
or if we have to cancel due to weather or operational problems.
Make checks to "SFTM", see addess below.
Birthday Party - $75 for 3 hours, $25 extra if you want more than two tables and sixteen chairs.
School - Mohawk schools, Academy at Charlemont, Franklin Tech  - $25 per classroom
School - Other - $35 per classroom
Tour/Other - $5.00 per adult, $3 for 6-17 year olds, under 6 free, $60 minimum
Additional Out of Season Charge (November to end of April) - $25
Your Total: $________

Please mail this completed form, all pages, with check, to:

Shelburne Falls Trolley Museum
PO Box 272
Shelburne Falls, MA 01370

_________________________For Office Use___________________________________
Received by:______________________ Date: _________________
Total Fee: $_________ Paid: $________ Balance Due on arrival: $__________
Approved by: ____________________________

Trolley Car No.10 is back ... On track!

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14 Depot Street Shelburne Falls MA 01370        413-625-9443