Shelburne Falls Trolley Museum
In Effect July 1, 1914 TIME TABLE Subject to change without notice Shelburne Falls and Colrain Street Railway Co. FROM SHELBURNE FALLS WEEK DAYS &G * &X * &X X &* G S am am am am am pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm
Union Station..............LV 6:45 7:00 8:39 9:35 11:19 12:40 1:23 2:42 3:30 4:37 5:48 7:35 8:54 10:28 Waiting Room - Water Street.. 6:46 7:02 8:41 9:47 11:20 12:45 1:25 2:43 3:35 4:38 5:50 7:37 8:55 10:30 Shattuckville................ 6:58 7:15 8:55 10:03 11:34 1:00 1:38 2:56 3:50 4:50 6:03 7:50 9:07 10:42 Griswoldville................ 7:06 7:30 9:04 10:18 11:43 1:12 1:47 3:06 4:05 4:58 6:11 7:59 9:15 10:50 Colrain City...............AR 7:17 7:50 9:16 10:40 11:55 1:32 1:59 3:18 4:23 5:08 6:23 8:11 9:27 11:00
TO SHELBURNE FALLS WEEK DAYS G &* X &* X &X * &G S am am am am am pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm pm Colrain City...............LV 6:12 7:20 8:10 9:25 10:55 12:29 2:04 2:18 3:22 4:40 5:10 6:55 8:18 9:50 Griswoldville................ 6:22 7:30 8:30 9:38 11:13 12:38 2:16 2:33 3:34 4:58 5:20 7:07 8:30 10:00 Shattuckville................ 6:29 7:37 8:45 9:47 11:24 12:46 2:25 2:43 3:43 5:10 5:29 7:16 8:39 10:08 Waiting Room - Water Street.. 4:40 7:49 9:00 10:00 11:38 12:59 2:38 2:58 3:57 5:25 5:42 7:30 8:52 10:20 Union Station..............AR 6:42 7:50 9:05 10:05 11:40 1:01 2:40 3:02 4:00 5:30 5:44 7:32 8:53 10:22
SUNDAY TIME TABLE FROM SHELBURNE FALLS G G G G am am am am pm pm pm pm pm pm pm Union Station..............LV 9:06 10:03 11:12 12:04 1:48 3:03 4:37 5:45 7:40 8:54 Waiting Room - Water Street.. 8:05 9:38 10:05 11:15 12:06 1:50 3:04 4:38 5:46 7:42 8:55 Shattuckville................ 8:19 9:23 10:20 11:30 12:18 2:03 3:17 4:50 5:58 7:55 9:07 Griswoldville................ 8:30 9:33 10:30 11:40 12:26 2:12 3:26 4:58 6:06 8:04 9:15 Colrain City...............AR 8:43 9:45 10:43 11:52 12:37 2:25 3:39 5:08 6:17 8:16 9:27
TO SHELBURNE FALLS G G G G am am am am pm pm pm pm pm pm pm Colrain City...............LV 8:17 9:20 10:17 11:28 12:38 1:10 2:27 3:40 5:10 7:00 8:18 Griswoldville................ 8:30 9:33 10:30 11:40 12:50 1:22 2:39 3:52 5:20 7:13 8:3 Shattuckville................ 8:39 9:42 10:40 11:48 12:59 1:31 2:48 4:02 5:29 7:22 8:39 Waiting Room - Water Street.. 8:53 9:56 10:54 12:00 1:13 1:44 3:01 4:15 5:42 7:35 8:52 Union Station..............AR 8:55 9:59 10:56 12:03 1:15 1:46 3:02 4:17 5:44 7:37 8:53
&Mixed Train * Meet at Power House X Meet at Purrington Siding G Meet at Griswoldville S Saturday Only
This time table shows the time at which cars may be expected at arrive and depart from the several points but the arrival and departure is not guaranteed, nor does the Company hold itself responsible for any delay.
It is the aim of the Company to give its patrons satisfactory service and passengers are requested to report any instance of incivility on the part of employees.
Extra and special cars furnished at reasonable notice. Frank L. Reed. Treasurer and General Manager
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14 Depot Street Shelburne Falls MA 01370 413-625-9443