Shelburne Falls Trolley Museum
The following 9 candidates were elected to serve on the Board of Directors.
Alfred Barten
David C. Bartlett
Robert G. "Sam" Bartlett
Cathleen Buntin
Brian Carr
Michael Cole
Peter Johnson
Joseph Pagano
Norman Sessions
Outgoing president Tony Jewell was awarded with an Honarary Lifetime Membership, was voted the title of Director Emeritus and was presented with some framed pictures of the newly restored No. 10.
At the directors meeting following the Annual Meeting, the following additional officers were elected:
Clerk - David Bartlett
Treasurer - Peter Johnson
Assistant Clerk - Joe Pagano
Assistant Treasurer - Mike Cole
Chair of Board - Cathy Buntin
Vice-Chair of Board - Mike Cole
Two Finance Committee members - David Bartlett and Brian Carr, to serve
with the president and the treasurer.
A Museum Collection committee was formed, with Al Barten, David
Bartlett and Cathy Buntin to serve.
A later PR committee meeting approved a schedule of events for 2000.
If you would like to serve on the public relations, operations, giftshop, museum or fundraising committees, please contact us!
14 Depot Street Shelburne Falls MA 01370        413-625-9443