Shelburne Falls Trolley Museum

Car No. 10 Car No. 10

Contacts and Directions

Trolley Car No.10 is back ... On track!

Shelburne Falls Trolley Museum,Inc.
14 Depot Street (See GPS warning below!)
PO BOX 272
Shelburne Falls, MA 01370

General Information:
EMail:  Please put SFTM in your subject, to get past the spam filters.
Phone: You can talk to someone during business hours, or leave a message at the museum (413)625-9443. Someone will get back to you in a day or so.
If a quicker response is required, call Sam Bartlett at (413)834-0274.

Charters, Groups and Parties:
EMail:  Please put SFTM in your subject, to get past the spam filters.
Phone: Call Sam Bartlett at (413)834-0274

EMail:  Please put SFTM in your subject, to get past the spam filters.

Drive, walk or bike: Map to the museum
For a hands-on visit, you can find Shelburne Falls on Route 2, the scenic Mohawk Trail, 8 miles west of Greenfield, MA, exit 26 on I91.

From Greenfield, take Route 2 West, about 8 miles from I-91, take the THIRD exit into Shelburne Falls, on State Street, Route 2A EAST.

From North Adams, Charlemont, etc.
take Route 2 East, take FIRST exit into Shelburne Falls, on State Street, Route 2A East.

You can follow signs to the museum (look closely, we aren't allowed big signs) or follow these directions:
Follow State Street until you are in the center of the Buckland side of Shelburne Falls, just after a STOP sign. The two bridges come together on your left. Continue straight (don't cross the bridges) toward the Salmon Falls Artisans Showroom and the Blue Rock Cafe.

Before the Showroom take the second left (the first left is Conway Street which follows the river).   The second left is Depot Street. Depot Street passes in front of the Blue Rock Cafe's porch and turns to gravel in the railroad yard. The museum is at the far end of the railroad yard.

If you get lost, we are between Elm Street and Ashfield Street, alongside the Pan Am Southern Railroad (aka Guilford Railroad, aka Boston & Maine Railroad) mainline, at the east end of the freight yard.

Mapping Software/GPS warnings:
We are on Depot STREET, there is also a Depot ROAD in Buckland.  MapQuest, Garmin, Google and others will lead you astray.

This GoogleMaps Link is correct.
If you are GPS-equipped, go to 42*35'58.54"N 72*44'19.88"W

By Amtrak and Bus:
You can take a Peter Pan Bus from Springfield, Northampton, Deerfield, Greenfield, Charlemont, North Adams, Williamstown, Troy NY or Albany NY to Shelburne Falls, then it is a 10 minute walk to SFTM.

You can take Amtrak to Greenfield or Springfield and take the Peter Pan bus from there.

You can take the local FRTA bus from Greenfield, but they don't run weekends, so you'd only want to do this in July or August when we are open Mondays.

If you take the train or bus you probably need to spend a night in Shelburne Falls, you can get lodging information from the Shelburne Falls Business Association.

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14 Depot Street Shelburne Falls MA 01370        413-625-9443